Monday, June 13, 2011

215 c

One hand came up flying up from the door, trying to just clench on something, ‘puttenhalli ticket kodi’…and I saw some 7-8 people, fighting just for an inch of space on the steps of the most important bus of my life, 215 c.

Yes, 215 c is perhaps, such a bus, which has become my lifeline, I just cant live without it! I hate it, but I want it! Every morning, rubbing off my sleepy eyes, slicked together, I get up to just catch that damn bus in time as if I miss it, am just gone for the day, I will be late to office, got to face some unwanted, sarcastic but silent glares from my office people . So to avoid it, I just forget the snooze button in my mobile :(

Well, you must be thinking, that why am I making you read this pathetic bus story of mine? You must be thinking, ‘that give me one good reason to read further’ and now am going to give you many!

My eyes literally twinkle as I see 215 c coming towards the bus stop, I just don’t care about the overflowing people in the bus, ready to slaughter each other for that one inch of space! Cool, as I get in bus, I make my way through so many female eyes, staring at me, making me feel that I look like Aishwarya Rai! Wow, what a feeling. As few minutes passes by, my ‘beautiful Ash feeling’ seems to sink under those stinking armpits of males and female, sometimes, the smell is mixed with those pleasant smelling lily gajras! Pathetic is the word, which I should be using!

The most detailed description I would like to give about is of the conductor and the driver! I always imagine the conductor seated on his marriage chair, screaming his lungs out to his bride that shift an inch closer, we can adjust one more person there!

This is what he is, phewwww, he just gets on my nerves daily, blabbering all the time in his language, which I cant understand. He behaves like one insane, storming his way out of the huge pile of people, holding onto something, not holding onto something, pushing each other, eyeing the people who are ready to vacate the seats etc etc. Every time, he passes by he literally smashes me, its fine, but when he soils my heels, with his dirty chappals, I feel like throwing him out!

The time tick ticks and just flies, but I feel like shouting on the top of my lungs and say to the sleepy driver, is there no accelerator in the bus! FCK..i feel like saying sometimes, believe me, you might just reach early than the bus, if you walk fast. The morning in the bus, is sick, pathetic, horrible but funny! Sometimes, if I m really lucky, I get a seat too! Wow, I feel like traveling in the first class of Lufthansa Airways! But the air-hostess is not so entertaining here! As I feel a little relieved, I see a quaint small figure of an old lady and just to make her feel better, I offer her my seat, without any regret.
Frowns, sick smiles and pathetic activities of those idiotic males, surround me in the 40 minutes long journey. I don’t understand, that these males have excess hormone levels, that they just can stop it, even If they see, normal looking girls like me? Sick, u message your close friend, about the discomfort caused, trying not to mention the details, of what exactly happened, as you cant just tell, but the other person, is wise enough to understand everything.

As the stop comes close, you feel like getting out of the cage, but as you know its not so easy! The procedure is as follows, drag some ladies, stamp on someone’s shoes, elbow some bags down and shout to make your way clear, its never that you get down from the bus yourself, but you are always thrown out!

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