Thursday, May 26, 2011

Bus Infatuations :)

Bus Infatuations :)

As I was struggling to find something to hold onto in the bmtc bus, I saw a handsome guy staring at me. As I noticed the unexpected glance, a flurry of consciousness and embarrassment fell on my face! Consciousness because, a smart guy was trying to look for a response in my greenish eyes and embarrassment because, I was just in a mess, trying to hold onto something, so that I don’t fall down on the aisle, due to a hard jerk!

Well, this is the story of every teenager, unmarried girls or sometimes even of a married lady! So true and honestly to be confessed that each of one of us, meets our temporary crushes daily, while commuting in public transportation. Suddenly, you feel so concerned of even the smallest things like hair furls dancing down on your cheeks, the almost gone color of your nail paint, the unattended hair on your arms and sometimes embarrassingly the wet hair just clutched together carelessly.

As the consciousness peaks high you feel a sudden rush of blood in your face and in the worst cases, you feel that a heartbeat just skipped a beat!

One fine day, as I was traveling in my routine bus, I saw again the same handsome hunk entering into it, as he entered I started looking for a glance from his end, at the same time, trying to show, that I give a damn to whatever he does!

 I know that the ‘glance’ will just make my day! To my surprise, he comes and sits next to me! Pheww….i put my earphones and try to show my fake style by reading an Ayn Rand Novel! (though I don’t understand anything, due to the high vocabulary level), but still I make sure to fake the best!

 While you just keep on wondering, that who is that lucky guy, just let me explain something. He is just ‘him’ for me, just ‘him’, as I am not aware of his name, occupation etc, etc etc, but I guess, that he is a tech guy, by seeing the Dell logo on his carry bag!

Well, as the time goes on, I look for those indirect signs and glances from him and I see that he expects at least one in turn, which I make sure not to give!

The moment he gets down from the bus, I start feeling so comfortable, suddenly I remember of all the pending works to be done in the office, my horribly messed up drawer. My beautiful curly hair remains unattended from my own attention, my awesome shoes look so worn out as I just come out of the 45 minutes long open eye nap!

Do love stories also start in buses? I believe that’s a concept brought by Bollywood into our fluctuating hearts and minds. The bus infatuations are perhaps the loveliest thing, which comes out as a motivation to follow the same dull and loathsome bus journeys.  You want to look better everyday, trying to impress someone, who is actually not so much interested in you, and vice-versa but just merely looking for a good time pass.

Well, whatever, but this is the magic of being a youth, you search for that dream face in everyone, you know a mere glance, wouldn’t just work and its useless too, but you just don’t wana miss the moment! I have almost ten bus infatuations till now, how many dream guys or gals you have met ?? :) :) :)

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